Francesco Traini was an Italian painter who was documented as working
from 1321 to ca 1365 in Pisa and Bologna.
He appears to have been a follower of Andrea Orcagna to judge by only
one work known to be by Traini: in 1345 he signed and dated a polyptych
of the Pisan church of S. Caterina, showing Saint Dominic and a predella
showing eight hagiographic scenes from the saint's life, now in the
Museo Nazionale, Pisa. Most scholars attribute many of the huge frescoes
of the Camposanto Monumentale in Pisa to Traini, including the Last
Judgement, Inferno, Legends of the Hermits and, the famous Il Trionfo
della Morte (the Triumph of Death).
The frescoes of the Camposanto were unfortunately either severely damaged
or destroyed by Allied air raids in World War II.
From October of 1916 through January of 1917, Rudolf Steiner gave a series
of nine lectures known as the Art Course. These lectures were given
the title of:
The History of Art.
Click here to discover what Steiner said about
in the first lecture, or in the entire
lecture series.