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Taeuber-Arp, Sophie [German-French, 1889-1943] 











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Taeuber-Arp, Sophie [German-French, 1889-1943]

[ 20th Century Artists | Dadaist Artists ]

Sophie Taeuber-Arp was born on January 19th 1889 in Davos, Switzerland. She attended the School of Applied Arts in St. Gallen from 1908 to 1910, then transferred to Wilhelm von Debschitz's Teaching and Experimental Studio for Applied and Liberal Arts in M�nchen. After breaking off her studies there in 1912 to take up an apprenticeship at the School of Applied Arts in Hamburg, she became a member of the Swiss Werkbund in 1915, and taught textile design at the School of Applied Arts in Z�rich from 1916–1929. She started an independent artistic career in 1916, which lead her to contacts with the Dadaists in Z�rich. Sophie married Hans Arp in 1921. In 1926, she received the assignment to design the interior of the Caf� Aubette in Stra�burg — a task she eventually shared with Hans Arp and Theo van Doesburg. Of her art, she is best known for paintings, graphic designs and drafts in abstract, geometrical forms. She moved to Meudon with Hans Arp in 1926, but was forced to flee to southern France (due to German advances) in 1940. Sophie Taeuber-Arp died in Z�rich, January 13th 1943.

[*] RS Archive pages at Powell's Books

  Taeuber-Arp, Sophie [German-French, 1889-1943]

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