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Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) [Italian, 1483-1520] 











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Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) [Italian, 1483-1520]

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  Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) [Italian, 1483-1520]

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Size: 60 KB [thumbnail of raphael46.jpg]
Dims: 751 x 542
Type: JPG
File: raphael46.jpg
Title: The Burning of the Borgo
Size: 51 KB [thumbnail of raphael47.jpg]
Dims: 747 x 526
Type: JPG
File: raphael47.jpg
Title: The Battle of Ostia
Size: 62 KB [thumbnail of raphael48.jpg]
Dims: 789 x 665
Type: JPG
File: raphael48.jpg
Title: The Coronation of Charlemagne
Size: 9 KB [thumbnail of raphael49.jpg]
Dims: 361 x 413
Type: JPG
File: raphael49.jpg
Title: The Boy Baptist in the Desert
Size: 19 KB [thumbnail of raphael5.jpg]
Dims: 542 x 290
Type: JPG
File: raphael5.jpg
Title: Adoration of the Magi (from the predella of the Coronation of the Virgin)
Size: 17 KB [thumbnail of raphael50.jpg]
Dims: 341 x 571
Type: JPG
File: raphael50.jpg
Title: St. Michael and Satan
Size: 151 KB [thumbnail of school_athens.jpg]
Dims: 953 x 637
Type: JPG
File: school_athens.jpg
Title: The School of Athens
Size: 42 KB [thumbnail of raphael52.jpg]
Dims: 789 x 607
Type: JPG
File: raphael52.jpg
Title: Cartoon for St. Paul Preaching in Athens
Size: 30 KB [thumbnail of raphael53.jpg]
Dims: 503 x 747
Type: JPG
File: raphael53.jpg
Title: The Holy Family
Size: 22 KB [thumbnail of raphael54.jpg]
Dims: 538 x 686
Type: JPG
File: raphael54.jpg
Title: Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione
Size: 30 KB [thumbnail of raphael55.jpg]
Dims: 539 x 686
Type: JPG
File: raphael55.jpg
Title: La Donna Velata
Size: 15 KB [thumbnail of raphael56.jpg]
Dims: 786 x 535
Type: JPG
File: raphael56.jpg
Title: Double Portrait of Andrea Navagero and Agostino Beazzano
Size: 19 KB [thumbnail of raphael57.jpg]
Dims: 542 x 637
Type: JPG
File: raphael57.jpg
Title: Self-Portrait with a Friend
Size: 23 KB [thumbnail of raphael58.jpg]
Dims: 542 x 759
Type: JPG
File: raphael58.jpg
Title: La Fornarina
Size: 27 KB [thumbnail of raphael59.jpg]
Dims: 601 x 797
Type: JPG
File: raphael59.jpg
Title: Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de'Medici and Luigi de'Rossi
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