Florentine, 1435-1488]"> Florentine, 1435-1488]">

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Verrocchio, Andrea del [Florentine, 1435-1488] 











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Verrocchio, Andrea del [Florentine, 1435-1488]

[ 15th Century Artists | Sculptors ]

Andrea del Verrocchio, also known as Andrea di Michele di Francesco Cioni, (born 1435, Florence [Italy] – died 1488, Venice), was a 15th-century Florentine sculptor and painter and the teacher of Leonardo da Vinci. His equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni, erected in Venice in 1496, is particularly important.

Verrocchio trained as a goldsmith and went on to work as a sculptor and a painter. There is only one painting which is unanimously attributed to Verrocchio: the ‘Baptism of Christ’ in the Uffizi, Florence.

However, even in this famous work, Verrocchio seems to have used an assistant (for the dove, the palm tree and the rocks on the right). The picture was later substantially reworked and finished by his former pupil Leonardo da Vinci, responsible to the angel on the left and for re-envisaging much of the landscape and the body of Christ.

The Gallery has three works by Verrocchio and his workshop, one of which, The Virgin and Child with Two Angels, appears to be entirely by his hand. Another later composition on the same theme, was largely executed by Verrocchio but with significant input from an assistant, almost certainly Lorenzo di Credi. A third, Tobias and the Angel, was entirely delegated to another assistant, yet to be firmly identified.

Pietro Perugino and Lorenzo di Credi were his other main pupils and collaborators in the 1470s. These artists both adopted features of Verrocchio's pictorial style as well as learning from one another and Leonardo. Botticelli is also thought to have been active in Verrocchio's workshop for a time in the late 1460s.

From October of 1916 through January of 1917, Rudolf Steiner gave a series of nine lectures known as the Art Course. These lectures were given the title of: The History of Art. Click here to discover what Steiner said about Andrea del Verrocchio in the ninth lecture, or in the entire lecture series.

[*] RS Archive pages at Powell's Books

  Verrocchio, Andrea del [Florentine, 1435-1488]

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