Friedensreich Hundertwasser: The 30 Day Fax Picture, 1994 [Vienna] - 30dfax.jpg Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Irinaland Over the Balkans, 1971/1972 - hundertwasser_irinaland.jpg HUNDERTWASSER, Friedensreich The 30 Day Fax Picture 1994 Mixed media (thirty A4 size FAXes) 151 x 130 cm Vienna HUNDERTWASSER hundertwasser_irinaland.jpg Irinaland Over the Balkans, 1971/1972 Silk Screen in 31 colors, including 2 phosphorescent, with metal imprints in 5 colors. Format 490 x 670. MARK HARDEN made this scan and archived it in his Museum of Art (follow the link to the "Artchive") About 2000 scans from 200 artists, free for non-profit personal or educational use. Please do not endanger their availability by improper use! You are invited to join his Patron Program