Natalia Gontcharova: Rayonism, Blue-Green Forest, 1911 - rayonism.jpg Natalia Gontcharova: Spanish Dancer, 1916 [Chicago] - spanish_.jpg GONTCHAROVA, Natalia Rayonism, Blue-Green Forest 1911 Oil on canvas 21 1/2 x 19 1/2 in. McCrory Corp. Collection GONTCHAROVA, Natalija Spanish Dancer c. 1916 Oil on canvas 200.7 x 88.9 cm The Art Institute of Chicago Most of these images are scans of MARK HARDEN and archived in his Museum of Art (follow the link to the "Artchive") About 2000 scans from 200 artists, free for non-profit personal or educational use. Please do not endanger their availability by improper use! You can have your own CD-ROM of the entire site by joining the Patron Program