Piero della Francesca: Discovery and Proof of the True Cross, 1466 [Arezzo] - proof.jpg Piero della Francesca: Madonna of Segnigallia, 1470 [Urbino] - segnigal.jpg Piero della Francesca: Montefeltro Altarpiece, 1465 [Milan] - montefel.jpg Piero della Francesca: Nativity, 1475 [London] - nativity.jpg Piero della Francesca: Polyptych of the Misericordia, 1440 [Sansepolcro] - sebastia.jpg Piero della Francesca: Polyptych, 1454 [Lisbon,London,NY,Milan] [2 separate images] - saints1.jpg Piero della Francesca: Polyptych, 1454 [Lisbon,London,NY,Milan] [2 separate images] - saints2.jpg Piero della Francesca: Resurrection, 1463 [Sansepolcro] - resurrex.jpg Piero della Francesca: The Duke and Duchess of Urbino [Florence] - urbino.jpg Piero della Francesca: The Penance of St. Jerome, 1450 [Berlin] - penance.jpg PIERO della FRANCESCA Polyptych of Saint Augustine 1454 Oil and tempera on panel Saint Augustine 132 x 56.5 cm Museo de Arte Antiga, Lisbon Saint Michael the Archangel 133 x 59.5 cm National Gallery, London Saint John the Evangelist 131.5 x 57.8 cm Frick Collection, New York Saint Nicholas of Tolentino 136 x 59 cm Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA St. Sebastian and St. John the Baptist panels from "The Polyptych of the Misericordia" c. 1440-1460 Museo Civico at Sansepolcro PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA Madonna of Segnigallia c. 1470 Galleria Nazionale at Urbino PIERO della Francesca Discovery and Proof of the True Cross c. 1466 Fresco 356 x 747 cm San Francesco, Arezzo PIERO della Francesca Death of Adam c. 1466 Fresco 390 x 747 cm San Francesco, Arezzo PIERO della Francesca Left: Portrait of Battista Sforza, Duchess of Urbino Tempera on panel 47 x 33 cm Right: Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino Tempera on panel 47 x 33 cm Uffizi, Florence PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA Madonna of Segnigallia c. 1470 Galleria Nazionale at Urbino PIERO della Francesca The Queen of Sheba in adoration of the Wood and the Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba c. 1466 Fresco 336 x 747 cm San Francesco, Arezzo MARK HARDEN scanned this image and archived it in his MUSEUM OF ART (follow the link to the "Artchive") About 2000 scans from 200 artists, free for non-profit personal or educational use. Please do not endanger their availability by improper use! You can have your own CD-ROM of the entire site by joining the Patron Program