Fra Angelico: Annunciation, 1430 [San Marco, Florence] - annunci2.jpg Fra Angelico: Decapitation of Saints Cosmas and Damian [Louvre, Paris] - decapita.jpg Fra Angelico: Entombment, 1440 [Munich] - entombme.jpg Fra Angelico: Saint Anthony the Abbott Tempted by a Lump of Gold, 1430 [Houston] - lumpgold.jpg Fra Angelico: Presentation in the Temple (left), 1440 [San Marco, Florence] - present1.jpg Fra Angelico: Noli Me Tangere, 1440 [San Marco, Florence] - tangere.jpg Fra Angelico: Transfiguration, 1440 [San Marco, Florence] - transfig.jpg FRA ANGELICO Transfiguration 1440-41 fresco San Marco at Florence FRA ANGELICO Presentation in the Temple (left) 1440-41 Fresco 158 x 136 cm Cell 10, Convent of San Marco, Florence FRA ANGELICO Noli Me Tangere 1440-41 Fresco 180 x 146 cm Cell 1, Convent of San Marco, Florence FRA ANGELICO Saint Anthony the Abbott Tempted by a Lump of Gold c. 1430 Tempera on panel 7 3/4 x 11 1/16 in. (19.7 x 28 cm) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas FRA ANGELICO The Annunciation c. 1430 fresco Museo di San Marco, Florence FRA ANGELICO Entombment 1440-1442 tempera on panel Alte Pinakothek, Munich FRA ANGELICO Decapitation of Saints Cosmas & Damian from the predella of the San Marco Altarpiece Louvre MARK HARDEN scanned this image and archived it in his MUSEUM OF ART (follow the link to the "Artchive") About 2000 scans from 200 artists, free for non-profit personal or educational use. Please do not endanger their availability by improper use! You can have your own CD-ROM of the entire site by joining the Patron Program